Sunday, 11 October 2015

Manfaat buah sukun dapat menyembuhkan penyakit liver (hati)

Organ hati merupakan organ penting yang ada di dalam tubuh manusia, hati terletak di dalam rongga perut sebelah kanan tepat di bawah sekat rongga dada, hati berwarna kemerah-merahan pada orang dewasa hati memiliki berat kurang lebih 2 kg.

Beberapa fungsi hati adalah :

Penghasil empedu (mengemulsikan/ mencerna lemak)
penawar racun (menetralisir racun)
pengatur kadar gula dalam darah
pembentuk urea
pembentuk protein plasma
tempat mengubah provitamin A menjadi vitamin A

Thursday, 8 October 2015

How to get rid of scars with natural ingredients

If you have a scar in the hands or feet, being dropped or scratched with a knife you can eliminate chemicals or by natural ingredients.

Treating scars with chemicals usually doctors recommend that patients taking medications such as ointments, this treatment will react with the skin, and will repair the tissue in the skin, as well as natural treatment will improve tissue in your skin,

Remember a treatment will not be directly recovered in disposable, but you need to repeatedly perform such treatment

Cara menghilangkan bekas luka dengan bahan alami

Bila anda memiliki bekas luka ditangan atau kaki, akibat terjatuh atau tergores pisau anda dapat menghilangkannya dengan bahan kimia ataupun dengan bahan alami.

Mengobati bekas luka dengan bahan kimia biasanya dokter menyarankan pasien memakai obat seperti salep , pengobatan ini akan bereaksi dengan kulit , dan akan memperbaiki jaringan pada kulit, begitupun pengobatan secara alami akan memperbaiki jaringan pada kulit anda,

Ingat sebuah pengobatan tidak akan langsung sembuh dalam sekali pakai, namun anda perlu berulang-ulang melakukan pengobatan tersebut

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

How to gain weight with natural ingredients

At this time bioselpedia, will discuss on how to gain weight with natural ingredients, maybe some people post about, how to lose weight and on this occasion bioselpedia will discuss how to gain weight.

Many people would want that ideal body weight, not too fat nor too thin, in fact have an ideal body makes a person become confident, other than increase confidence ideal body including a body  having good health.

Cara menambah berat badan dengan bahan alami

Pada kesempatnan kali ini bioselpedia akan membahas mengenai cara menambah berat badan dengan bahan alami,mungkin sebagian banyak orang memposting mengenai,bagaimana cara menurunkan berat badan dan pada kesempatan kali ini bioselpedia akan membahas bagaimana cara menambah berat badan.

treating bad breath with natural ingredients

The main cause of bad breath  caused by germs in the mouth and bad breath triggers include eating jengkol, pete, durian as for other than consume these foods also due to damage to the gums, tartar, mouth sores, drink alcohol, rarely taking care of the mouth, etc.

The state of bad breath is definitely very disturbing, when speaking with the other person probably will not be free and feel bad, so in this post I will give you tips on the treatment of bad breath with natural ingredients, 

Mengobati bau mulut dengan bahan alami

Penyebab utama bau mulut  diakibatkan oleh kuman-kuman dalam mulut dan pemicu bau mulut diantaranya adalah makan jengkol,pete,durian adapun selain daripada mengkonsumsi makanan tersebut juga akibat adanya kerusakan gusi, karang gigi, sariawan,minuman alkohol,jarang merawat daerah mulut, dll

Keadaan bau mulut pasti sangat mengganggu, ketika saat berbicara dengan lawan bicara mungkin akan tidak bebas dan merasa tidak enak, maka di dalam posting kali ini saya akan memberikan tips pengobatan bau mulut dengan bahan alami, 

Treat thrush with natural ingredients

Heat can cause canker sores in the mouth or unhealthy circumstances can cause canker sores
Sores marked with chapped lips to the mouth or tongue, usually canker sores in the mouth shaped bubble arising and water, canker sores may also be experienced on your new wear stirrup (braces)
Other than at the beginning you can sprue mengunakn stirrup also are due to:
-kurangan intake of nutrients in the body such as vitamins C, B2 and B3,
-berlebihan eating spicy food,
-Eating not digested well,
-Drinking liquor,
-memakan food is too hot or too cold,
-jarang clean the mouth,

Mengobati sariawan dengan bahan alami

Panas dalam bisa menimbulkan sariawan ataupun keadaan mulut yang tidak sehat bisa menimbulkan sariawan
Adanya sariawan ditandai dengan bibir pecah-pecah hingga rongga mulut ataupun lidah, biasanya sariawan dalam mulut berbentuk bulatan yang timbul dan berisi air, sariawan mungkin juga dialami pada anda yang baru memakai behel (kawat gigi)

Selain daripada saat awal anda mengunakn behel juga sariawan bisa disebabakan oleh:
-kurangan asupan nutrisi dalam tubuh seperti vitamin C, B2 dan B3,
-berlebihan memakan makanan pedas,
-makan tidak dicerna dengan baik,
-minum minuman keras,
-memakan makanan terlalu panas atau terlalu dingin,
-jarang membersihkan mulut,

Sunday, 4 October 2015

How to cope with fluffy hair and hard-set

On this occasion I will discuss about how to cope with fluffy hair and hard to manage, whether consciously or not the use of the dye on the hair or hair dyes can lead to dry hair and of long-term use will lead to hair hard in the set and dry.
As a result, natural nutrients to the hair bothered by chemicals contained in hair dyes

Not only due to the use of hair dyes but also by way of ruffled hair drying hair with a towel will make hair fluffy, besides many small things that unconsciously make your hair become dry, fluffy and difficult set

Careful in the use of chemicals on the hair, including shampoo, for those of you who have a hair in a dry state should use a shampoo that is rich moisturaizer and do not forget to use a conditioner that is rich in vitamin C

Here I will give tips to overcome fluffy hair and hard-set
1. do tretment on the hair with natural ingredients
2. use a shampoo that is rich in keratin, rich in mosterezer
3. apply conditioner to the hair
4. Avoid haircut rap or layer
5. The use of accessories such as the fluffy hair savior or a bandana flops
Tretment on the hair:

Materials :
1. Honey
2. Olive oil
3. Coconut milk

How to make :

Provide coconut milk to taste and input olive oil mix until deemed both ingredients are well blended, pour the honey and stir again and apply  the hair and then cover with a warm towel wait up to 1 hour after completion rinse with shampoo rich mosturizer and then use a conditioner rich vitamin C and E.

So this post may be useful :)

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